Manually Adding a New User

To add a new user:

  1. Go to Administration > Users.
  2. Click the Add button.
  3. Locate the TM user.
    1. Select the Search for User banner.
    2. Enter search criteria to identify the user.
    3. Click the Search Remote Users button.
    4. Select the desired user from the Search Results box.
    5. Click the Load Remote User Data button, which will populate the form’s fields with read-only information.
    6. Verify that the user information looks correct in Contact and Personal Information.
  4. Select the desired DRT group memberships for the user.

    The default DRT group will already be selected.

    If the user is a member of the Administrator or Configurator groups in TM, those groups will also be selected in DRT and will be read-only.

  5. Click Save.

Manually-added users will still require the Reports Management feature in TM.